Training on Wednesdays
Bonding with your dog (puppies after puppy class and older, new dogs):
Dogs the have done puppy training and new dogs should join for the bonding training on Wednesdays at 17h30. Its a 8 week course and only in the first two weeks new dogs can join.
The Bonding class takes part at the area 2, the fenced area close (but not around) the clubhouse and starts with supervised socialization as from 17h30.
Main focus at Bonding training is the connection and understanding between you and your dog. You will be taught how to interact with your dog in a very clear way, focus on having fun while learning a safe, dog-friendly approach with the goal to give you the methods to train your dog to become a wonderful family pet.
The trainers for Bonding class are Irmgard and Eloise.
Please check our calendar to find out when the next bonding class starts.
Please contact your trainer Irmgard to register your spot as places are limited to 12 dogs maximum (with 2 trainers).